Dating Someone Who Is Not Christian
If you are Christian and very in touch with your faith you may find it odd to date someone that is not Christian. It doesn’t have to be a good thing or a bad thing, but it may take you awhile to adjust to the fact that you are dating someone that does not have the same or even similar spiritual beliefs as you. If the relationship is very casual you may not give it much thought at all, but if you see things getting serious you may want to discuss how your different spiritual beliefs may affect your relationship, your families, and what would happen if you had your own family.
If you are Christian but you don’t go to church all that much and you keep your faith very private, you may not have a hard time at all dating someone that is not Christian. Others only want to date those that share their religious beliefs, so if you are one of those people you need to approach the topic right away. If you happen to fall for someone that is not Christian give yourself some time to explore the relationship despite the different religious beliefs.
Whether or not you can comfortably date someone that is not Christian depends on who you are and how you want to incorporate the people you date into your religious life. If you can keep the two separate, or learn to keep them separate, you may find that you can have a good time with people despite your differences. In fact, you may strengthen your faith when you date someone that does not have it because you will realize how lucky you are.
Of course, you are not the only one that you must worry about when you are dating someone that is not Christian. It’s important that you share your faith with the one that you date, so that he or she understands where you are coming from. If you know where one another stands on the faith issue you can each go your own way with it but nurture other areas of your relationship where you do have things in common.
Some find it very difficult to date people that are not Christian, but it doesn’t have to be an issue if both people can come to an understanding. Each person must look inside of themselves to determine if they can meet someone that has different spiritual beliefs than they have. Chances are, you can be Christian and date someone who is not just fine if you have enough other things in common.
Written by Stephanie Cook
One important thing in such a relationship is that whenever you talk about God,talk in general terms and not make it specific.
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